姓 名 | 姜敏 | |||||
职 称 | 副教授 | |||||
职 务 | 教师 | |||||
所属系部 | 外语系英语专业教研室 | |||||
邮 箱 | jiangmin@hfut.edu.cn | |||||
主讲课程 | 本科生:英国文学,美国文学,跨文化工作坊 研究生:美国文学 全校公选通识课程:《梦溪笔谈》双语导读(慕课) | |||||
研究领域 | 英美文学史,大洋洲文学史,女性文学,跨文化交际 | |||||
教育经历 1991-1995 湘潭大学英语语言文学学士 1999-2003 安徽大学外语学院英语文学硕士,期间于2001年1 月获“澳中理事会研究生奖学金”前往悉尼大学英语系学习并完成硕士毕业论文 2009.11-2010.9英国诺丁汉大学教育学院访问学者 工作经历 1995-2000 bet体育365官网正规外语系助教 2000-2007bet体育365官网正规外语学院讲师 2007-今bet体育365官网正规外语学院副教授科研成果 Selected Publications
Gao,Yang. Jiang, Min (2017) Sound of Silence: On Poetic Writing of Nine Stories,Journal of Hefei University of Technology ( social sciences), Vol. 31, No.1.pp 55- 61 Li, Jiayu. Jiang,Min & et al. (2011) Chinese Translated Version of Moderne Nederlandse Korte Verhalen, Nan Jing: Yilin Press,pp179-207 Lin,Yupeng. Jiang, Min & et al. (2013,2018) Selected Readings in English Literature,Hefei:Anhui Uni Press, Beijing Normal Uni Publishing Group. Jiang, Min. (2008). An Analysis of the Postmodern Parodies in Elizabeth Jolley’s Narration, Journal of Hefei University of Technology ( social sciences), Vol.22, No.4. pp105-110 Jiang, Min. (2008). It’s Just a Lie: On the Functions of Elizabeth Jolley’s Metafictions, Journal of Fuyang Teachers College (Social Sciences), Vol.125, No. 5, pp 44-47 Jiang, Min (2005) . Appreciation of E.E. Cumming’s Poetry . Appreciation of English Famous Poetry,Compiled by He Hongjie,Hefei: Anhui University Press Jiang, Min(2004). On Elizabeth Jolley’s Metafictions Looking Back and Forward: selected papers of the 8th International Conference of Australian Studies, Hefei: Anhui University Press, pp499-511 Chen, Zhengfa. Jiang, Min(1999). An Introduction of The Winner.Translations(Yilin) Vol.82, issue 1. pp219-221 Min, Jiang(2000). A Comparison Between Lakoff’s and Searle’s r Theories on Metaphor, Journal of Anhui University (Philosophy and social science) 2000, No.6 A pp43-47 Min, Jiang.(1999). Fantasy or Reality: An Analysis of The Sugar Mother.Dayangzhou Wenxue (Journal of Oceania literature) Vol.19 .Hefei: Anhui University Press, pp235-243 Chen, Zhengfa. Jiang, Min.& et al. (1997) Da Shou Gou: a Chinese translated version of Barbarians at the Gate , Haikou: Hainan Publishing House.
Selected Research Projects and Programs Undertaken
Jiang, Min & et al. (2019.12-2021.12)Construction of Massive Open Online Course Selected Reading in British Literature ( in progress) Wang, Yezhao. Jiang, Min & et al.(2016-2018) Research and construction of cultural courses for English majors Jiang, Min 2014-2016 Translating for Just It ( High Tech Company) .W2014JSFW0549 Qian, Bin. Jiang Min,& et al.(2014-2016) Construction of Massive Open Online Course Introduction to Brush Talks from Dream Brook (Meng Xi Bi Tan) 2014mooc004 Jiang, Min. (2010-2012) History in the Media: A Study of Living Conditions and Family Ethics in Victorian English Fictions ,2010HGXJ0161 Lin, Yupeng. Jiang, Min,& et al. (2007-2009) The construction of the Exquisite Course of English Literature. Smith, Eve. Jiang, Min (2006-2008). A Survey on Western Teachers in the Universities of Hefei City Jiang, Min. Wen, Li. (2003-2005). The establishment of the multi-media teaching module and the emulation contest system of case studies Gu, Chenghua. Jiang, Min & et al. 2000-2005 The Research and the fulfillment of the University English Course System Construction
Selected Presentations at Academic Conferences Jiang, Min (2009), On How to Adapt Western Teaching Methodology to Chinese Students at TESOL (Denver, the USA) Jiang, Min (2007),An Reinterpretation of Elizabeth Jolley’s Novelsfrom the Perspective of Judith Butler’s Theories, Theories and Interpretations: a National Conference of the Study of World’s literature in the New Era, Shanghai, East China Normal University. Jiang, Min(2002). On Elizabeth Jolley’s Metafictionsat the 8th International Conference of Australian Studies, Hefei, Anhui University 获奖荣誉 bet体育365官网正规青年教师教学基本功大赛一等奖 2009年TESOL年会优秀英语教师Travel Grant(美国丹佛) 优秀本科生毕业论文指导教师 |